GenAI is the technology that has recently been hitting the headlines. It's a creative computer program that can generate things on its own, such as text, images, music, or even ideas. Instead of just following fixed rules, it learns from other examples (Machine Learning or ML) from across the internet, and uses that knowledge to create new things that look or sound like they were made by a human.

It's a bit like having a robot artist or writer that can come up with new stuff all by itself!


The current most popular GenAI tools

Here are the top 5 most popular tools in September 2023, but the technology is developing fast so this may have changed by the time you read this.

A man holding a device with ChatGPT app on it

1. ChatGPT – a language/text based generation AI -

2. Midjourney – an image generation AI -

3. Dall-E 2 – a text to image tool -

4. GitHub Copilot - a code generation AI -

5. Bard – a conversational tool developed by Google -

All of these are available as an app for your mobile device in both the Apple and the Google Play stores.


Last update September 2023