We aim always to provide a high quality service and excellent products. Our policy is to deal with any complaints promptly, politely and appropriately. Should you have any issue or complaint about any of our products or services, please contact us via the online form on https://www.digitalunite.com/get-touch or the telephone number published there.

We will acknowledge your issue or complaint within 2 business days of receipt.

We actively seek to resolve complaints within 5 business days and will let your know in the unusual circumstance that this timeframe may be exceeded.

When we deal with your complaint, we will tell you what action we have taken and/or propose to take to resolve it, and/or to prevent its reoccurrence.

Where your complaint arises from matters beyond our control, we will advise you where possible what other action you can take. If you are not satisfied with our response to our complaint, you have the option to write to our Chief Executive Officer via du@digitalunite.com who will review the complaint history and take steps as appropriate.