Thank you all so much for coming along to the event! There were 80+ people there, sharing and learning. We hope it was useful and that you found new ideas, friends and inspiration. Our team certainly did. Here are some ideas from the day about what you'd like to see happen next ...


What struck us on the day...

durham great hall as people take their seats
  • It was brilliant to see so many people from so many different sectors. The more people – in all sectors - who get involved supporting others to be digitally included, the further we are going to get, faster.
  • Nothing beats being in a room with people sharing ideas and listening and learning about things that matter to them. You can never have too much sharing and networking! Connections were made in that Hall that will make a difference to both practitioners and the people they work with.
  • Language and terminology can be a barrier to engagement and we all need to watch our words. Awareness raising and communications are continuous requirement.

There's more from Emma about the outputs from the day on our blog

To do next...

map of durham
Join Let's Get Digital

Find out more about the projects in West Cumbria and the Durham area.

ladies on devices
Your Feedback

Read the ideas that came out of the main workshop.

lots of thumbnails of people talking
Vox pops

We asked you what you think needs to be prioritised. You told us! 

Find out more about...

holy grail graphic

Digital Inclusion can be hard to get your head around. Here's our summary of the important facts and stats and the must-read reports.

inspire logo

We hope you enjoyed the Inspire workshop! Here's more about the training course works and how it can be used across your organisation. 

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The Champions Network provides all the structure and resources you need to run successful Champion projects in your communities. 

Try out...

graphic of cartoon characters on devices
Our free courses

Get a sense of what our learning is like with these two free courses, one on helping others stay safe online and the other on finding affordable internet/ social tariffs.

people round a table with cogs together
Project Planner

Do our free interactive planner and find out how a Digital Champions project could work in your organisation.

woman on a phone
Or get in touch!

We'd love to hear from you! Make friends with Kate or Emma or LinkedIn. Or get in touch in a way that suits you.