This is a network for organisations who are keen to co-ordinate and amplify digital inclusion activity across Cumbria.  We focus on making things happen around the three main pillars of digital inclusion:

  • Skills: what Digital Champion activity is happening where
  • Devices: what schemes are there to help people obtain devices
  • Data & Connectivity:similar schemes for obtaining data, and how we can boost connectivity (particular important in rural Cumbria).
west cumbria get together

The network came together through our ongoing Let's Get Digital, West Cumbria project.You don't have to be a member of that project to join the Network. Everyone is Welcome!  

Meetings are online, every quarter. The next meeting is in Spring 2025.

If you’d like to come, please contact Sarah Jewell, the Project Lead, direct.

December 2024 Meeting - notes & minutes

Thanks everyone who came along. It was great to welcome Joe from Cumbria Community Foundation and Rachael from Health Innovation North East & North Cumbria and hear from Laura Rutter. You can download the full minutes - and here are some links and info from the three presentations.  

  • Cumbria Community Foundation

You can watch the presentation. The Bedrock fund is open for applications of up to £5,000 and you can find out more here. If you'd like to talk to Joe about it, he's here:                                          -         

  • Health Innovation North East & North Cumbria 

You can watch the presentation or contact Rachael here:

  • Bedrock Basics Digital Support (c/o CVS)  

You can watch the presentation, download Laura's slides or contact her here:

Look forward to seeing you at the next one! 


September 2024 Meeting - notes & minutes

It was lovely to see you all there! You can download the full minutes - and here are some useful links and info from the three presentations

  • Connecting Cumbria

Here are the slides and a recording of the presentation with Catherine Weldon from Connecting Cumbria.

  • GetBox (Jangala)  

Here are the slides and a recording of the presentation from Leo Hernandez from Janagla

If you'd like to apply for a Getbox, here's the sign-up form                  

  • Tech4 Schemes (Digital Poverty Alliance) 

Here's a recording of the presentation by Elizabeth Anderson from the Digital Poverty Alliance. 

Links to finding out more/ applying for the schemes Elizabeth talked about:

Tech 4 Families and Tech 4 Youth (area specific)

June 2024 Meeting - notes & minutes

Here are the minutes and the recording of our first meeting.  It was lovely to have input from AbilityNet, CVS, Healthwatch Cumberland, Cumberland Council Community Reps, Riverside Housing, Castles & Coasts Housing, Citizens Advice and the Libraries.