“"I've learnt so much - how to deliver digital inclusion sessions, promote the benefits of digital inclusion and the need for Digital Champions!"

 We were delighted to welcome around 50 people to our Reinvigorating Digital Inclusion event in London on Thursday 14 October.
From councils to housing providers, charities to health groups, the day was designed to help organisations with planning and delivering digital inclusion, sharing insight and expertise. Alongside guest speakers from Brent Council, ClearCommunityWeb, Citizens Online and Healthwatch Islington, we explored the ins and outs of digital skills and the Digital Champion approach.
Madeline at Brent Council
Madeline at Brent Council explains the importance of their Digital Champions
Emma Weston presenting at Reinvigorating Digital Inclusion
Emma at Digital Unite sharing digital inclusion learnings 
Check out the presentations and workshops from the day below

What do we do?

Find out how we can help you run successful digital inclusion programmes. 

What is Digital Inclusion

Why does it matter? And what can be done about it? We've pulled together some great resources.