Finding funding for new and ongoing projects is a constant challenge. Here's some advice and resources on securing funding.

We started working with Barnet Council in 2021. With nearly 400,000 residents, it’s a place where lots of households struggle to overcome multiple barriers to digital inclusion.

Join us in Durham on the 24th October at this FREE EVENT to discuss what digital inclusion is, why it matters to you and the people you work with, and how to help them get the digital skills they need to thrive. 

Established in 2021, Digital Kent runs one of the biggest Champion networks in the country. We caught up with them about ongoing challenges and next steps for growing and maturing their network.

How one organisation is supporting GP practices with social prescribing and health coaching on and off line. 

How do you turn a digital inclusion strategy into a coherent reality when everyone involved is doing it a bit differently? How do you get them to do the same thing?

How can you support people with digital skills without crossing safeguarding boundaries?

Who's got a digital inclusion strategy? Who is supported by their council? Who's training staff or using volunteers? How are libraries dealing with digital inclusion?

(well, nearly a decade...). Brian and Linda Dove are stepping down from running the Spire Drop-in digital skills sessions after nearly 10 years. They helped hundreds of learners and they will be much missed.  

How do you get people online? And keep them there? We know you need devices, data and skills but this Get Online Week, we're rooting for one thing we think that's absolutely crucial...