How one organisation is supporting GP practices with social prescribing and health coaching on and off line. 

How do you turn a digital inclusion strategy into a coherent reality when everyone involved is doing it a bit differently? How do you get them to do the same thing?

How can you support people with digital skills without crossing safeguarding boundaries?

Who's got a digital inclusion strategy? Who is supported by their council? Who's training staff or using volunteers? How are libraries dealing with digital inclusion?

(well, nearly a decade...). Brian and Linda Dove are stepping down from running the Spire Drop-in digital skills sessions after nearly 10 years. They helped hundreds of learners and they will be much missed.  

How do you get people online? And keep them there? We know you need devices, data and skills but this Get Online Week, we're rooting for one thing we think that's absolutely crucial...

We’ve been working with corporates on digital inclusion/ CSR projects since 2019, on programmes that change and evolve with every new client. Here's five things we learnt about how companies can run employee volunteering programmes to make a real difference:

A few things we learned from our long-running project with NHS England using Digital Champions to help people manage their health...

Getting people to become Digital Champions can be tricky. In fact, amongst the 100+ organisations in our Digital Champions Network, enlisting Champions is cited as their most challenging aspect.

Since the launch of their first digital strategy in 2017, Brent Council has been committed to helping everyone in their area with using and benefiting fully from technology. From helping staff and residents to businesses and partners, they have a clear direction to become a truly digital borough.