More from our manifesto - how do you actually deliver DI?

We believe digital inclusion is everyone's business - and it needs to be re-imagined....

We're really pleased to be a partner to the Kings Fund conference - and even more pleased to offer a 20% discount on tickets! 

It’s quarterly monitoring and evaluation time! When we ask questions like.. who actually uses Wordpad? Why are we even on LinkedIn? Is 95% a lot better than 94.6%? 

It's #EndDigitalPovertyDay! We can’t end digital poverty in one day but it’s an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and bring individuals and organisations together to take concerted action...

For Capgemini, a global leader in digital technology and transformation, digital inclusion is a cornerstone of their corporate social responsibility programme. But getting their tech-savvy staff to understand the issues was a big ask... 

Here's a really interesting conversation with our Emma Weston discussing where we go next with Pauline Roche and Sweyn Hunter.

Every quarter, we analyse the data from our planner. It is a snapshot of potential clients' priorities and helps us think about questions like...

The new report on Essential Digital Skills for Work has just been published. Nearly 60% of us can't do the 20 basic skills.There's a massive, costly digital skills gap in all sectors at all levels.

There are real benefits for both sides when public and private sector work together. At its most basic, the private sector brings people who want to help, and the public sector brings people who need help.