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Finding funding for new and ongoing projects is a constant challenge. Here's some advice and resources on securing funding.

This is an issue that comes up consistently with prospective and existing clients and it's an ongoing struggle for many. But we know digital inclusion is getting MORE complex not less, and that it's often the small projects (that need regular funding) that make the biggest impact, as they're truly local and tailored their to beneficiaries needs. It's crucial that these projects continue. 

This new resource has everything you need to help you find and secure funding

We've looked at how to define your project and create a budget for it; how to find prospective funders and how to craft your application. We've pulled together the best resources from across the web too, from useful case-studies on digital inclusion projects to advice on bid-writing. If there's something we've missed and you think should be there, just let us know. 

We hope you find it helpful! 

What do we do?

Find out how we can help you run successful digital inclusion programmes. 

What is Digital Inclusion

Why does it matter? And what can be done about it? We've pulled together some great resources.