We've recently teamed up with myageingparent.com to create an advice guide on how to support older people to get online.

Based on our 16 years of experience in this area our advice is simple:

1) Understand why and how they want to learn

2) Help with the technical set-up

3) Find out what interests them

4) Help them overcome their fears

In our article we explore each of these four areas in more detail so to read it in full visit myageingparent.com. As well as featuring our guide, the website offers a wealth of information to help you help your elderly parent, from ideas to help older people stay busy and healthy to understanding care options and medical ailments.

What do we do?

Find out how we can help you run successful digital inclusion programmes. 

What is Digital Inclusion

Why does it matter? And what can be done about it? We've pulled together some great resources.