The results are in of our first exclusive poll among the members of our online community and over half (52%) say that a computer is their most life-changing technological purchase, ahead of smartphones (34%) and iPads (14%).

Whilst it appears the computer is still considered the stalwart of life transformation through modern technology, with almost half of members collectively regarding their smartphone and iPad as life-changing, other forms of technology are definitely hot on its heels. Indeed, nationally 44% of ‘onliners’ now access the internet through their smartphone, tablet and reader*.

Yet the computer has a long-held place in history and is most definitely the founder member of the digital age. With the first electronic computer created in 1943 and the first personal computer invented in 1975 it is perhaps right that it has found its place at the top of our community’s technology tree. In this fast-moving digital world though it will be interesting to see how, and if, opinions change a year from now. We’ll be sure to let you know.

If you want to get involved in our community, share your opinions and join in the discussions simply register your details on our website. As a member you will also be able to take part in our new community poll which is asking if you shop online. Join in today!

*Oxford Internet Surveys (OxIS) Next Generation Users: The Internet in Britain October 2011.

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