If you’re planning a digital inclusion programme in 2020 you need to put Digital Champions at the heart of it. People with low or no digital skills need long term and regular support from someone they trust. A Digital Champion provides that.
And whether they are staff or volunteers, on average a trained and active Digital Champion helps 30 people a year with digital skills. We know this because we have over 3,600 Champions in our Digital Champions Network and most use it to record who they are helping and how. Many Champions in our Network have helped over 75 learners.
So just imagine you have 25 Champions. Trained and supported with the confidence and knowledge to go on and help others. With a possible mix of staff, engaged residents and volunteers, that needn’t be such a leap. A lot of our Network members, large and small, have thriving and active Digital Champion cohorts of up to 50 Champions and more.
Helping 750 people with digital skills in 1 year
With each of your 25 Champions reaching 30 people that is potentially a whopping 750 people helped, inspired, motivated to use digital technology. In just 12 months.
By joining our Digital Champions Network your organisation can train those 25 Champions for just £3,600, whether they are staff or volunteers or both. They’ll learn how to spot and engage those who need help. How to tune into their own softer skills, so critical for building learner rapport. They’ll understand how to structure a 121 session and receive ideas for teaching topics. They’ll have the tools to answer any questions a learner might throw at them. Most importantly they’ll be rewarded when they do great things.
By our reckoning that means it would have cost around £4.80 to help each of those 750 learners.
With the Network’s flexible management tools, it means you can spend less time on administration and have everything you need for a Digital Champion programme, all in one place.
Now, let’s make that a reality
This month you can join our award-winning Digital Champions Network for a discounted annual membership price of £3,600. The offer is available until 20 January 2020 and you can pay now but start your project when you’re ready. So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with Kathy today to find out more about the Network and how it can train your staff and volunteers.