11th October 2023
It's Get Online Week and we've pulled together some of our best resources to help you help others get going with computers when they're right at the start of their digital journey.
We would say - of course we would - that no matter how many resources you have, what will make the biggest difference when it comes to learning new digital skills is having a person who can help. These guides are good but using them to help someone is much more affective than just sending a link.
We all know someone who could use a hand with digital skills - so feel free to use our free guides to help them...
Resources for helping others
These are some of our favourite resources with information on specific bits of kit and ideas for helping other people learn new skills.
Resources for Beginners to read
Going online can be daunting. Learners can read these online or print them out to keep and refer back to.
We've lots more free information