More from our manifesto - how do you actually deliver DI?

More and more of our Champions want to meet the needs and abilities of a huge range of learners who might think and learn differently.

We believe digital inclusion is everyone's business - and it needs to be re-imagined....

We're really pleased to be a partner to the Kings Fund conference - and even more pleased to offer a 20% discount on tickets! 

It’s quarterly monitoring and evaluation time! When we ask questions like.. who actually uses Wordpad? Why are we even on LinkedIn? Is 95% a lot better than 94.6%? 

We've got some great new features on the award winning Digital Champions Network!

How do you turn a digital inclusion strategy into a coherent reality when everyone involved is doing it a bit differently? How do you get them to do the same thing?

How can you support people with digital skills without crossing safeguarding boundaries?

Who's got a digital inclusion strategy? Who is supported by their council? Who's training staff or using volunteers? How are libraries dealing with digital inclusion?

As Let's Get Digital West Cumbria is rolling out for another year - we're starting a sister project in Durham.

Want to get involved? 

Do you want to see people empowered to manage their health and well-being better online? Our new, updated courses can make it happen! 

Get your free membership of the Digital Champions Network! Why not sign-up now and have until the 1st of April on us! Join now and get up to 15 months for the price of 12!

From puppies to pointless triangles, here's our Christmas-themed digital inclusion countdown....

Good digital skills! Help someone learn a new digital skill this holiday.

We won a Learning Pool Live Award for the Digital Champions Network! We're so pleased and proud!  

(well, nearly a decade...). Brian and Linda Dove are stepping down from running the Spire Drop-in digital skills sessions after nearly 10 years. They helped hundreds of learners and they will be much missed.  

How do you get people online? And keep them there? We know you need devices, data and skills but this Get Online Week, we're rooting for one thing we think that's absolutely crucial...

It's Get Online Week and we've pulled together some of our best resources to help you help others get going with computers when they're right at the start of their digital journey.

It's #EndDigitalPovertyDay! We can’t end digital poverty in one day but it’s an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and bring individuals and organisations together to take concerted action...

Last year we upgraded the Digital Champions Network to a new platform, built with Learning Pool. By January 2023, we had migrated all our existing clients over and had new ones joining. Here's an interim report on how it's going so far.  

For Capgemini, a global leader in digital technology and transformation, digital inclusion is a cornerstone of their corporate social responsibility programme. But getting their tech-savvy staff to understand the issues was a big ask... 

Here's a really interesting conversation with our Emma Weston discussing where we go next with Pauline Roche and Sweyn Hunter.

We’ve been working with corporates on digital inclusion/ CSR projects since 2019, on programmes that change and evolve with every new client. Here's five things we learnt about how companies can run employee volunteering programmes to make a real difference:

We love National Volunteers Week! It's great finding out about what volunteers are up to - and it's lovely to take the opportunity to celebrate their role.